We see the world...

And we see what you've done to it. We see what you're doing to us. We know who you are now. You cannot hide. You may think you are safe in your estates, in your mansions, on your private islands, on your gigantic yachts. But you are not safe there anymore.

We see how you've twisted the truth. Repackaged lies as fact and sold them like you do your TV's. Your breakfast cereals. Your coffee. Your 'services', which are really all provided by people you would cheat out of their day's wages if you thought you could get away with it. In fact, you have been getting away with it. Getting away with telling us 'trickle down works' and 'there's not enough money for healthcare for all' and 'those poor people over there are the reason you are poor.'

No, YOU are the reason we are poor. You are the reason we are sick. You are the reason we are uneducated. You are the reason we're overworked. You are the reason we're underpaid. You are the reason we are struggling. 

Not some welfare mom. Not some poor black guy you put in prison for smoking pot. Not that teenager you forced to go through with an incestuous pregnancy. They are not the reason we are struggling.

YOU are. The greedy ones. YOU who just want to take and never acknowledge or even recognize your responsibilities to the planet, to the people who work for you.

YOU would rather cause death and destruction than give up some of what you've gathered, even though you have gathered it by immoral means. By cheating, by bribery, by purchasing the law makers, and thus the laws, that you want. I suppose if you have such little regard for the rest of humanity, then the immorality of your methods means very little to you as well.

You are the reason we are killing each other by the hundreds and thousands, in a multitude of ways that you encourage. Because it's making you richer.

But now, we see the World, and we see what you've done to it.

To us. 

We know who you are. You might think you are safe. You are not.


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