The Dick-Anon Theory
Here's my contribution to the conspiracy theory craze: I'm calling it Dick-Anon.
warned us about the "Military-Industrial Complex". He was being very honest, and although he didn't
explicitly say it, he meant Nixon.
was his vice-president for 8 years. In that time, Ike had the opportunity to
see what kind of man he was, and he knew Nixon was in the pockets of the
famously, went to visit Chairman Mao in China. This was seen (and touted by the
media) as a distraction from the Watergate scandal. While this was what most
everyone focused on, he also had another very much more serious agenda, one
that would change the US forever.
in China, Nixon also met with other top CCP people, whom he knew would be
taking over when Mao died, which he also knew would be soon. Along with all the
publicly stated accomplishments of that trip, was at least one which, although
not publicized, has become exceedingly obvious over the years. Nixon told them
that if they opened up to Western Investment, then many US companies would move
their factories there, which would be an economic boom for China.
has happened. We saw the biggest exodus during Reagan's terms, when business
regulations that had for years built and kept our US economy strong were
relaxed or abandoned outright, which allowed an exodus of manufacturing
jobs. China's economy did indeed boom,
while our working class, our middle class, collapsed. The wealthy owners of
these corporations did very well, as did the stock market, while everyone else
suffered. But pundits were saying that since the stock market was doing well,
our economy was doing well. This was a lie, and it was a pretty obvious one.
order to deflect criticism of the ultra-wealthy about their actions, those same
ultra-wealthy people set about (starting before Nixon) buying politicians,
gutting regulations, and installing sympathetic judges in the Supreme Court in
order to advance agendas that would benefit the ultra-wealthy.
also set about swaying public opinion with misinformation campaigns that blamed
the economic woes of the middle class on the poor and disenfranchised. This had
always been going on, but with the proliferation of TVs a whole new set of
'celebrity' politicians, like Joe McCarthy, realized they could distract the
public from the serious ways they were being screwed by staging stuff like the
'Red Scare' and promoting Law And Order campaigns to stamp out the 'rampant
crime' in black neighborhoods. Once Reagan dumped the Fairness Doctrine, the
wealthy could buy whole broadcast networks to fill with scare stories about
black on black crime, Muslim extremists, socialists and communism.
blame 'Welfare Moms' for our economic woes. To crow about 'freedom' while
promoting corporate ownership of everything as being 'free market capitalism'.
Over the years the audience of folks whose fortunes had divebombed, who could
no longer feel proud of their own work and worth in the world, grew. And grew
bitter and angry.
is the logical next step in this. Present someone so outrageous who echoes all
of the fear-based crap that Fox news and Breitbart have spread to people
looking for someone to blame for the shitty country they live in, and they eat
it up. They grab onto it like a lifeline, and they do not want to let go
because if they do… they'll fall. He's
their hope that finally someone will save them from the ________________ (fill
in the blank).
won't say he's the logical 'conclusion' to this, because this is far from over.
People are lining up to follow in his footsteps and take it all to the next
level. Cruz. Hawley. They are even scarier than Trump to me, because they are
not buffoons. They are crafty and ruthless politicians who will be much smarter
about marshalling their troops.
all of this? Everything in the last 50 years that has brought this country from
the pinnacle to the pits?
with Nixon. Going to China.
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