
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why Do We Have Laws? (Part 1)

  Why do we have laws?  Because people would do all sorts of bad stuff to each other if we didn't. If people didn't do bad stuff to each other, we wouldn't need laws. Why don't corporations just send out people with guns to hold you up in the streets and take your money? Because there are laws against that. If there were NOT laws against it, corporations would do it. This has been their excuse for every environmental disaster, every financial scandal and every consumer safety scandal since the dawn of business.   I can explain this step by step if necessary. Corporations exist to make a profit for the owners of the corporations. Ergo, the owners of the corporations want to maximize their profits.   The corporations hire people who can help them maximize their profits.   They hire the best people they can, including lawyers and accountants who can look at legal ways to maximize their profits.   The lawyers and accountants do a fantastic...

Why we can't have nice things

  I don't understand it. How can people not see this? It is so obvious to me.   People on the left and people on the right want the same things. They want a decent job at decent pay. They want to have a decent place to live and raise their kids. They want to feel valued for who they are and what they do, and they want a fair shake. They want to be healthy. They want to have dignity.   Someone convince me this is not true. Someone prove to me that the majority of people on the left and the right don't want these same things. That they want something radically different from each other.   Someone show me that the 'other side' wants crappy jobs at crappy wages, that they want a shitty place to live and to be devalued and cheated. That 'other side' wants their kids to grow up in poverty, uneducated and to turn into criminals. I dare you.   Because I don't believe that is true.   Oh, don't tell me 'but they voted for such and such'...

It's not a conspiracy, it's a competition.

Over the years corporations have hired the very best lawyers and ruthless executives to find whatever ways they could to increase profits. One of the ways they have done this is to influence government policy. Since government regulations and taxes eat into profits, they have worked to influence the government to ease those regulations and lower those taxes. In some cases they have bought politicians lock, stock and barrel. This started under Nixon, had it's fastest growth under Reagan, and solidified itself as a regular part of US government during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations.   In order to pre-empt a public outcry they have set up and maintained propaganda media outlets, to spin the story as reducing 'big government' and to introduce distractions. The politicians they purchased removed governmental restrictions on such propaganda media so that they could spread endless misinformation and distraction campaigns, feeding into people's natural fears.    Th...

The Dick-Anon Theory

Here's my contribution to the conspiracy theory craze:   I'm calling it Dick-Anon.   Eisenhower warned us about the "Military-Industrial Complex".  He was being very honest, and although he didn't explicitly say it, he meant Nixon.   Nixon was his vice-president for 8 years. In that time, Ike had the opportunity to see what kind of man he was, and he knew Nixon was in the pockets of the wealthiest.   Nixon, famously, went to visit Chairman Mao in China. This was seen (and touted by the media) as a distraction from the Watergate scandal. While this was what most everyone focused on, he also had another very much more serious agenda, one that would change the US forever.   While in China, Nixon also met with other top CCP people, whom he knew would be taking over when Mao died, which he also knew would be soon. Along with all the publicly stated accomplishments of that trip, was at least one which, although not publicized, has become exceedingly...