Remember the last time you were in Heaven?
I'm serious. Think about it. We say "Oh, I'm in Heaven!" whenever we experience and/or appreciate something delightful. We say "They put me through Hell" when we've had a hard time with something or someone. And we think it's just an expression, but it's really not. It's literally true. What is Heaven but something joyous? What is Hell but something horrible? The feeling you get the first time you really look deeply into your child's eyes and see that they recognize you. That's Heaven. That time you and your best friend made each other laugh so hard you couldn't stand up, so hard the tears rolled down your cheeks and you couldn't stop and it hurt so good. That's Heaven. I'm sure you have more. I do. Plenty. The more I think about it, the more I find. Everyone has these moments. These are the times you slip into Heaven. I'm not going to bother with ...