Have the bullies won?

I am so disheartened today.  I just watched a video made by a Pennsylvania state legislator, a Democrat, who'd just found out that the Republican leadership had been calling committee meetings for weeks, forcing the legislators and their support staff to come in close contact with a person who had tested positive for Covid-19. And the Republican leadership had KNOWN the man was positive and THEY HADN'T TOLD THE DEMOCRATIC MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE!


This is criminal.  Plain and simple.


It's also a bullying tactic. Force the other person into a dangerous situation.


Bullies run this country. Bullies run the congress and the courts. There's a bully in the White House and the people he has surrounded himself with are also bullies.


Bullies own the Corporations. This is somehow an admirable trait when making a success in business. Fine. Until they decide to do something that is dangerous to the general population, or even dangerous to a small fraction thereof.  Which, unchecked, they do. Over and over again.


So they need to be regulated. But when the same bullies own the government, the regulation is weak, or non-existent, so they can just continue killing, maiming, sickening, poisoning, polluting. Over and over again.


And while they're at it, they change all the tax laws to make them richer and everyone else poorer, in the name of 'less government'.


The choices for those who wish to counter bullying are few. 


You can just keep letting it happen, and it will. More and more and more, because you can never appease bullies, trying only makes them want more.


You can rise up in violent revolution. This is never any more than a partial success, and usually leads to years of misery for all, including those caught up in the middle.


Or you can mobilize a resistance, unite a large enough group of people to overcome all of the obstacles placed in the way of a fair vote (by the bullies) and vote the bastards out of office.


I pray this last one works this time, but I fear it won't, and things will just get worse.


  1. There is more to this story of bullies. White police officers, supporters of our demented President, killed yet another unarmed black person with excessive force for a minor offence. These are the little bullies who support the big ones.

    That's what my headline is about. Every day we're seeing so many cases of open bullying. Journalists murdered by governments. Indigenous peoples wiped out while governments look the other way. Governments performing ethnic cleansing. Governments imposing their will on helpless neighbors. Governments disintegrating because of opposition from within or without. I could go on.

    Make no mistake! It is bullies who do this! They want power. Money gives them power which gives them more money ad nauseum. There is very little difference between MBS and the Koch brothers.

  2. Well said RMT a bit of common sense in a world that seems to lack it writ large. I did notice that you could transpose you essay onto any time in human history and it would be quite apropos!


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