Love in the Time of Corona

I am not a screenwriter, but I would love to see this movie:

A gentle romcom about two people who get quarenteened in neighboring hotel rooms. They never met before. There is a connecting door that's locked, and they begin to communicate through it. Talking away the hours. When they go to get their food, which is left outside their doors, they get to see each other from 15 feet away. They like what they see.

They discover a love for books, and especially Gabriel García Márquez (Love in the Time of Cholera)  They talk through the door for hours, the days go by, they wave at each other from their doors in the hallway. They pass notes back and forth. Little things they find to show each other. Books.

They fall in love.  At some point they touch fingers under the connecting door. I can see a softly lit close up of the bottom of the door, dim light on the camera side and brighter light on the other side, so we can see her shadow as she tentatively slides her fingers under the door, and his as they meet.

He's playing romantic music on pandora on his phone. They each sit with their backs to the door, allowing their fingers to play with each other, it becomes slightly heated, each of them becoming aroused in their imaginations, the tension starts to build until there is a sharp rap on the door, at which they both jump out of their skins. 

They push their beds close to the door so they can fall asleep touching fingertips.

That's all I got. I put it out there. Feel free. My blessings.


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