
Showing posts from February, 2021

Punished, but not silenced

Here's the thing. People are not being silenced when they say something that is considered to be Politically Incorrect.  The news stories about their situation almost always print what it is they said. What they said can be found in forums and news sites all over, even if not on the original platform they said it. It's still out there. They are being punished, perhaps, for what they said, but this is a social thing, social ostracization for their 'wrong' beliefs or politics or speechifying. Whether they should be punished or not is a separate issue, because if you are protesting 'free speech', then no one has taken their right to speak away. The government is not trying to silence them, and that is what free speech is about. Now. If you're arguing that 'monopolistic businesses' shouldn't be limiting speech, I would first question whether the business is truly monopolistic, Facebook, Google, and television producers and cable companies are not (be...

The Least Uncomfortable Position

Was thinking about plane travel. Long plane travel, when you're stuck in an airplane full of people, perhaps in a middle seat, for like 20+ hours. For me, this is horrendous. The noise, the crowd, the limited space for movement… it is just this side of physical torture. In order to survive that and not have panic attacks, I have to shut down large parts of my brain. I have to find the least uncomfortable position.  Because there is no comfortable position. None.  All positions are uncomfortable. The entire ordeal from walking into the airport to walking out at the destination is one long uncomfortable position.   So I shut down major portions of my consciousness. Develop tunnel vision. Lock away all feelings that aren't physical, and do my best to dampen those as well. That's the least uncomfortable position, soul-wise. And then I work to find the least uncomfortable physical position as well.   I do not think about how much I want to get out of that plane....